Dr. Kevin Finneran
Work and Contact Information
- Clemson University
- Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
- 312 Biosystems Research Complex (BRC)
- 105 Collings Street
- Clemson, SC 29634-0919
- Clemson University
EMAIL: ktf@clemson.edu
PHONE: 864.656.4143
WEBPAGE: http://www.clemson.edu/ces/departments/eees/people/facultydirectory/finneran.html
About the Contributor
Dr. Finneran’s research focuses on anaerobic microbial ecology, emphasizing basic microbial physiology, its role in biodegradation and biofuel production, and how it can be adapted for specific applications. He investigates metabolic pathways, microbial community and population dynamics, and competing factors that influence contaminant fate and transport using pure / mixed cultures, and contaminated aquifer material. Most recently, research has focused on mixed biological-abiotic reactions that drive contaminant transformation both in situ and ex situ, using Fe(III)-reducing microorganisms as well as photosynthetic microbes (Rhodobacter spp.).